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August 24th Weekly Newsletter

Writer's picture: Yenica Ivelisse BuskirkYenica Ivelisse Buskirk

Thank you again to all for your continued support on keeping everyone safe and doing your part not to spread the virus!!!

Be a part of the Maximum Care website!!

Contact Yenica if you have anything you would like to see in the website. Topics, suggestions, comments, all open, as long as is within our policies, procedures and to enhance education.

Participant thought that maybe we should start our week with a joke! Take a min to enjoy the joke and if just for 30 sec laugh and forget about the stress of the day.

Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Hatch you?

Bless You!!!



DCW goes to client’s home and is having a hard time getting in. Mailman comes and tells the DCW to be careful because this neighborhood is racist. It made the DCW immediately uncomfortable. DCW really than was struggling to get into the client’s home due to the thoughts implanted in her mind. Therefore, needing assistance to get in and being late to service a disabled client.

I am purposely left out the race because we should not allow ignorance come and make us guess what kind of person we are. Does racism exist? Of course, however not everyone is racist or discriminatory.

This newsletter is dedicated to educating on how we can have culture diversity and excel at it.

Defining Cultural Diversity

Culture is a social pattern of behaviors, beliefs, and characteristics of a group of people that are passed on from generation to generation. It is very important to understand that cultural characteristics are very different from physical characteristics. Many people who have similar physical characteristics do no always have similar cultural characteristics.

Cultural diversity is the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region or in the worked as a whole. There are also more obvious cultural differences that exist between people, such as language, dress, and traditions.

Geographic Culture

Some culture originates form the area of the world that the person is from. This is called geographical culture. There are many geographical cultures that greatly influence a patient’s views on diet and medical care.

Religious Culture

In addition to cultures passed on from different geographic areas, there are many general religious cultural beliefs you may find among your patients. Keep in mind that not all members of a particular religious group will hold the same beliefs. These are generally held beliefs and may not be those of each and every member.


All information in this educational piece reflects general cultural beliefs of many geographic and religious cultures. That said, it is important to understand that not every person, even if they are of a particular culture, practices that way. For example, someone may be Roman Catholic, but they may not go to church or take communion. Or maybe someone from Puerto Rico never eats the types of food from their region. Every person is different.

One thing that we must always be careful to never do is to stereotype someone based on their physical features. Just because someone is from the Middle East, it does not mean that they are Muslim. Just because someone is Mormon, it does not mean that they never drink alcohol. There are many stereotypes in the world, and they are often reflected on TV, the Internet, and more. It is important to never assume and always make sure you listen and communicate with the participant so that you understand what cultural beliefs they hold.

Communication and Active Listening

Participants from different cultures will communicate in different ways. It is hard to know what is appropriate for participants of different cultural backgrounds. Observation between family members and nonverbal reactions to communication can be clues to aide you. Always address a person by his or her formal name, unless the participants opens up and allows another proper name to be used. In some cultures, direct eye contact may be considered disrespect and communicating with eyes downcast is a sign of respect. Be aware of the personal body space. Some cultures may see a close body space as threatening, whereas others may maintain a close body space. Cultures vary with regard to comfort with physical contact, especially when from someone of the opposite sex. When providing personal care for someone ask permission to touch or uncover areas of the body and expose only one area at a time.

It is so important for the DCW staff to listen to their participants. Many participants may not share their culture with you right away, but if they do, it is important to listen and retain that knowledge. An important part of effective communication is the art of active listening.

All of us are distracted by our personal lives and work responsibilities. This can interfere with our ability to be active listeners. Active listening does not always come easy. It is a technique that takes practice and a dedicated effort to maintain, but once you learn how to become an active listener, there is so much more information that can be gained from our patients or caregivers. There is much more that we can do for them. Active listening is not complicated. It just takes consistent use for it to become second nature.

The following are guidelines to use in Active Listening;

  • Pay attention to what the participant or caregiver is saying

  • Maintain eye contact

  • Face the participant or caregiver directly

  • Acknowledge that you are listening to the participant

  • Do not interrupt the participant or caregiver when he or she is talking

  • Do not talk when the participant is talking

  • Ask questions to clarify what the patient or caregiver said if you did not understand him or her

  • Repeat back to the patient or caregiver what you thought you heard by paraphrasing

  • Be aware of the patient or caregiver’s nonverbal communication

  • Be honest in your response

  • Treat patients as you would want to be treated

All protected cultures, professions, religions and groups have good and bad people. If everyone simply practiced the Golden Rule towards each other, the world would be a better place to live. Like a chef's salad, what makes the salad good to eat is the variety of vegetables, lettuce, spices, etc., we add. How boring a salad would be if we only had green lettuce for consumption. Why would living in a different and culturally different world be different? If people could simply relate to someone at face value, most individuals would see that we are all humans with the same basic needs and could probably learn to like each other. At Maximum Care, we treat everyone the same, respect everyone in the same way, and practice the Golden Rule. Our workforce and participants, should do the same.

DCW’s role

A person’s culture is a part of them. As someone who cares for people in their homes, you may witness different cultures you have never encountered before.

Your role may include:

Respecting the patient’s beliefs. You may not always agree with a patient’s values or lifestyle, but you must respect his or her beliefs, lifestyle choices, culture, attitudes, and other preferences. You must not be judgmental, and you must honor his or her choices.

Observing, reporting, and documenting. Keen observation skills are important for anyone who works with participants in health care. Observation can be important to notice cultural practices. Participant may not always be open to communicate with you about their beliefs and rituals, just try and understand and be patient. Although this is unrealistic, you can get a head start to understanding by observing your participant. Report anything out of the ordinary to your supervisor, even if you don’t think it's important. You should document anything that can improve care (type of food they don’t eat, pray schedule, etc.). this is important information that should be documented. An example of when cultural diversity may need to be observed, documented, and reported is as follows:

A participant always prays at certain times during the day. Although he didn’t mention his prayers to you, he gets upset if he is busy during his prayer times. Once he even tried to get out of the bath in the middle of bathing to prepare to pray. The DCW staff member tries to talk to the participant about it, but he does not want to talk about his religion, and there is a slight communication gap because of a language barrier.

DCW staff first need to respect the patient’s choice to not discuss his religious practices. Since the patient doesn’t communicate, you must observe the patient and help base his care on the observations. By observing the times that the patient prays, the DCW can document and let the clinician know when the participant prefers to be visited and cared for. If there is a routine in the patient’s prayer schedule, as there often is, make sure you document it. This information can make it easier for you to schedule care and also make the patient happier.



Help us come up with creative things to do with our elderly! What do you do for your clients?

We would like the caregivers to take 20 min of their shift if possible, to do creative things with their clients. We are the first and maybe the last person our clients see in the day or even week. Loneliness is a big part of their lives. Let’s take some time to show them that we are not just personal care or home care but show them that they are not alone.

Creative Based Incentive Contest:

1. Come up with a creative and fun activity to do with your client

2. Call, text or email Yenica with the activity (610-264-2353, 484-781-4603, or

3. The office staff will vote

4. Winner will receive a gift card


Travel Recommendations:

The Pa Dept of Health has recommended that if anyone travels to certain states that they quarantine for 14 days. Due to the daily changes from CDC and Pa Dept. Of Health, call into Maximum Care for instructions in regards to your travel plans and the impact that it may have.

Maximum Care Inc is following the recommendations at this time. If any changes come up, we will be posting it in the website It is your responsibility to make staffing aware if there is any client’s that will need to be covered while you are out either in quarantine or vacation.

Follow the following steps to request anytime of:

  1. Give us as much notice as possible.

  2. Either request “The time off request form” or your letter for time off should include the following: Name of Cl, day of service and time. State where you will be going and for how long.

  3. Email or mail the requested time off. Take note that we must put everything in the new system, even if time passes, we need everything in writing.


We have applied for the Hazard Pay!

Now the trick is Maximum Care getting approved.

We understand the hard work that everyone has done in hard times. We do not take for granted anything each and every one of you have done for our clients. We also understand that everyone deserves more for the sacrifice.

However, the information provided to everyone is not 100% all the details. The grant requires that all companies apply for the Hazard Pay. The agencies applying are not only home care but every business in Pennsylvania. There is 50 million dollars being distributed among 41,000 (+) workers throughout Pennsylvania. The requirements to receive the grant is extensive. Some agencies might get it and some may not. We have applied and waiting for either approval or non-approval.

The criteria are also very detailed on the workers that can receive the Hazard Pay. The broad description for the workers that can receive it are, for example, workers that will be working with Covid 19 clients as well as, higher risk community activities.

I hope that this can clarify a few of the questions out there! We will continue to keep you informed and make you aware of any status change regarding Hazard Pay. Like every business, we must be thankful that we are able to continue to provide jobs and service our community. Many businesses are sadly going out of business thought the country and locally.


Announcements to assist our participants and family:

Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter

Virtual Support Groups- Aug

As we take precautions to keep all staff, volunteers and constituents safe during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter continues to offer Virtual Support Groups for dementia caregivers throughout July & August.

Attendees can participate via computer or phone.

Register for a virtual support group today by calling 800-272-3900. Specialized groups are indicated. Space is limited.

Memory Café:

Is just that!!!!

Café where the participants can sit with friends, by themselves and share some memories and anything current on their mind.

You can Google Memory Café and you will get a good idea. This is a free community service that the organization Morningstar Memory Café by Senior Solutions are providing and not meant to be sales pitch.

Diagnosis is left at the door – a time for fun, a time to laugh – even if it means laughing at yourself. Mild to Moderate Dementia and their care partner.

They will have up to 25 persons – all COVID precautions taken; masks, one couple at a table, 6 ft from next table, hand sanitizers etc.

If you would like to volunteer feel free to call!



If you have any recipe that you would like to share do not hesitate to call or email Yenica/Communications. Contact information is 610-264-2353 or

The following Recipes was given by a participant. Participant and DCW is working on his cookbook. Thank you to the DCW and participant for the participation in the newsletter.


Keystone supplying Covid-19 Care Kit!

Participants must be Keystone members. If they have either tested (+) for Covid-19, suspicion of Covid-19, or systematic but self-quarantine, participant or DCW can call Maximum Care.

The Covid-19 Care Kit will have the following:

  • Oral digital thermometer

  • Finger oximeter

  • Four 3/ply face mask

  • Hand sanitizer



Open Work: If you go under more on the home page then click on open work tab, it will keep you posted on hours that are available at this time and the areas. Call Staffing to enquire about the open work available.

Refer a caregiver to Maximum Care Inc.:

You will receive $50 after 100 hrs worked. (At least within 2 months).



EVV system must be used to make sure that there is no interruptions, delays, or problem with direct deposit. In the future your pay will not be able to be processed if you are not using the system.

If your schedule changes for any reason we it is your responsibility to call it in. This way we can fix any discrepancy to your schedule.

If you are having any problems with the system call and report it to Yenica “Jen” Muniz.


Compliance Reminder:

Make sure that your employment file is within compliance to continue employment with Maximum Care. Compliance is no longer waived with all the contracts. Example of things that must be up to date, all car information, CNA license, annual TB, annual physical. If any concerns or questions re: your file please contact Yenica “Jen” at 610-264-2353 or

The Monitoring form must be done every shift.

If any questions please call Yenica “Jen” Muniz at 610-264-2353. The monitoring form is under the more tab and then the Covid-19 prevention & infectious control tab.

You can submit it to the office by either emailing or mailing them to the office.

The following dates are the conference calls:

  • 9/16 @ 2pm A thru L, 9/18/2020 @ 2pm M thru Z

  • 10/14 @ 2pm A thru L, 10/16/2020 @ 2pm M thru Z

  • 11/11 @ 2pm A thru L, 11/13/2020 @ 2pm M thru Z

The phone number for the monthly teleconferences is 701-802-5077 with the access code of 6456087#. It will be considered long distance, please keep in mind when using land lines.

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