Thank you again to all for your continued support on keeping everyone safe and doing your part not to spread the virus!!!
Covid-19 as we know is back on the rise. Maximum Care is here for our workers and clients. If there is any need for PPE (supplies such as gloves, mask, hand sanitizers, thermometers and more) do not hesitate to call into the office. Our goal is to keep everyone as safe as possible.
The Monitoring form must be done Every Shift
Continue to use the monitoring forms this way you can keep yourself and clients safe. If anyone is feeling under the weather please call Maximum Care. Maximum Care has a nurse on staff with a team that will guide you on how to take the proper steps according to CDC guidelines at the time. As you are aware the guidelines change daily. The nurse and the team are dedicated to providing you with the latest changes.
If any questions please call Yenica “Jen” Buskirk at 610-264-2353. The monitoring form is under the “More” tab in the website and then the Employee/Client Screening tab.
You can submit it to the office by either emailing yenicamaximumcare@gmail.com or mailing them to the office.
Maximum Care will be out on the following dates to spread holiday cheer show our appreciation (Must show to the designated areas to receive the items). Yenica will be providing the TB shot. If anything is out of compliance this will be the time to get your file up to date.
12/8 9:30-12:30 pm Yenica and Keri will be at Bucks County. Panera in Doylestown. If the Panera is closed, we will still meet in the parking lot.
12/9 9:30-12:30 pm Yenica and Pauline will be at Schuylkill County. McDonalds in Pottsville, across from the Fairlane Village Mall. If McDonalds is closed, we will still meet in the parking lot.
12/15-16 9-4 pm Yenica and Maria will be taking care of the ABE Area at Maximum Care office.

Make sure to check out our:
page!!!! All you have to do is go to the homepage at maximumcare.online and click on our f (Facebook)!! you are welcome to like our page. You can also let me know if you like the Information I am putting out through the website. Feedback is always welcomed. You can even send me a personal message.
We also have Instagram, check it out, follow us @ MaximumCareHomeCare.
Get involved, have a voice!
Make sure to continue to check your emails, the website, etc.
Tips for Reducing Loneliness in Elders Around the Holidays
There is a lot of pressure on people to enjoy themselves during the holidays. The reality, however, is that many people feel increasingly isolated and unhappy during this season of goodwill, and elders can have an especially hard time.
While aging can bring wisdom and experience, there are inevitable losses that even the healthiest seniors face. Loved ones and friends fall ill and pass away. Energy and mobility levels often decrease, resulting in feelings of lost independence and opportunities. Neighborhoods change over time, leaving even those well enough to remain in their own homes feeling lonely.
According to National Institute of Mental Health, older adults who are socially isolated are at higher risk for depression. The focus on family, friends and togetherness during this time of year can actually bring melancholy feelings to the forefront for many elders.
If you believe the elderly you care for may be feeling lonely or depressed, there are steps that you can take to help lift their spirits. You are probably busy with your own holiday plans and traditions, but it’s important to remember what the holiday season is truly about. Use these ideas to brighten up a loved one’s winter season.
10 Tips to Enhance a Senior’s Holiday Experience
Make a point of actively listening when they want to talk, even if the discussion is negative. An honest and empathetic conversation can help them process what is bothering them, whether they are mourning a loss or coming to terms with new challenges in their life. It may also reveal why they are feeling down and help you devise other ways to lift their spirits.
Remind them how important they are as a part of your life, their family’s lives. They may feel useless or burdensome if they cannot contribute to or fully participate in the festivities like they used to. Encourage them to do what they are capable of and be especially careful not to act like what you do for them is done out of a sense of duty. Show them they are loved.
Over the years, holiday cards often bring bad news and diminish in quantity. I used to sit with my mom when she opened her cards, because so many of them brought news of illness or death. She was also keenly aware of the people she didn’t hear from. Be gentle with your loved ones if these annual greetings are an important tradition of theirs. If possible, ask family members and friends to contribute a simple card, photograph or drawing to help keep the senior’s seasonal mail more upbeat. My mom needed this connection with her life-long friends, so I helped her write her own outgoing cards each year as well.
Due to Covid-19 2020 is a difficult year since we are unable to go out and do fun activities. However, having someone to talk to can go a long way toward relieving depression.
Help them add decorative touches to their home. Ensure that they do not present a safety hazard and try to decorate in stages to prolong the fun and give them something to look forward to. Many seniors enjoy reflecting on past holidays as they unpack cherished decorations, so be sure to listen to their stories and ask about special items.
Cook traditional baked goods or treats with them, if possible. Try to make their dining table festive, too, by using appropriate colors, themes and seasonal flavors.
The most important thing you can do with a senior to make them feel loved and included this season is to simply spend time with them. Look at family photos, watch home videos or holiday movies, listen to seasonal music, or do crafts together. Regardless of what you decide to do together, any time you can spare is a precious gift.
Do what you can to help the elderly feel involved and get into the holiday spirit without stressing yourself beyond your limits. Remember that your best efforts are good enough.

Stop on in and visit the
MaxBucks Café!!!

We will be happy to serve you. On us!!
We would like to do our best to be supportive of our workforce!!!
Help us come up with creative things to do with our elderly! What do you do for your clients?
We would like the caregivers to take 20 min of their shift if possible, to do creative things with their clients. We are the first and maybe the last person our clients see in the day or even week. Loneliness is a big part of their lives. Let’s take some time to show them that we are not just personal care or home care but show them that they are not alone and we really do care.

Creative Based Incentive Contest:
1. Come up with a creative and fun activity to do with your client
2. Call, text or email Yenica with the activity (610-264-2353, 484-781-4603, or yenicamaximumcare@gmail.com)
3. The office staff will vote
4. Winner will receive a gift card
Refer a caregiver to Maximum Care Inc.:
You will receive $50 after 100 hrs worked. (At least within 2 months).
Travel Recommendations:
The Pa Dept of Health has recommended that if anyone travels to certain states that they quarantine for 14 days. Due to the daily changes from CDC and Pa Dept. Of Health, call into Maximum Care for instructions in regards to your travel plans and the impact that it may have.
Maximum Care Inc is following the recommendations at this time. If any changes come up, we will be posting our training/communications in website Maximumcare.online. It is your responsibility to make staffing aware if there is any client’s that will need to be covered while you are out either in quarantine or vacation.
Follow the following steps to request anytime of:
Give us as much notice as possible.
Either request “The time off request form” or your letter for time off should include the following: Name of Cl, day of service and time. State where you will be going and for how long.
Email or mail the requested time off. Take note that we must put everything in the new system, even if time passes, we need everything in writing.
At this time due to the use of the EVV system we understand that documenting is difficult. Call the agency with any concerns you may have that you would like it to be documented. Especially if a client is refusing personal care or assistance of any kind. Call the agency if you need guidance with a client or have any question on the care that you are providing or feel that needs to be provided.
Maximum Care has also developed a form that is recommended to DCW to fill out when taking any kind of payment for items from clients. Call and request the form to be mailed to you or come into the office to get the form.
Make sure that you are putting the duties being performed at the end of every shift. Including when calling from client’s home. If you need instructions on how and a duties list please contact the agency and ask for Yenica. It can be mailed, emailed or text to you.
If you fail to put in the duties performed it can affect our payments.
If you are having any problems with the system call and report it to Yenica “Jen” Buskirk.
Maximum Care Inc is under state regulations to follow strict guidelines to pay DCW and to bill for all visits.
Maximum Care’s Inc responsibilities are to make sure that everyone is using EVV properly, pay all DCW properly, and to bill for the proper authorized hours allotted to the participant.
We also supervise all clock in & clock out within the range and schedule time.
The system alerts Maximum Care if you clock in or out when you are not within GPS range. Example: you cannot clock in from the LV Mall when you are supposed to be in the client’s home. It will alert us and show us an address and map of your location when you clock in or out. If you are out of range this may cause delay of payment. If for any reason you need to clock in or out of range due to participant, you must call the agency and make us aware. For example: If participants have therapy, Dr appointments, dropping them of or picking up from a program, etc. Call Maximum Care for special instructions to ensure contractual permission.
It is your responsibility to inform the office, it is not Maximum Care Inc responsibility to call and confirm the “Why’s”. Maximum Care can reject the visit until further investigation is done which will delay your payment.

Make sure you communicate with the Staffing Department of any changes that need to be made to your schedule, availability, address, email, phone number, etc. It is important to keep all parties informed and the lines of communication remain open.

EVV system must be used to make sure that there is no interruptions, delays, or problem with direct deposit. In the future your pay will not be able to be processed if you are not using the system.
If your schedule changes for any reason we it is your responsibility to call it in. This way we can fix any discrepancy to your schedule.

Read the Fire Safety Training Monthly Newsletter to develop safety at the forefront of client/employee daily activities.
Keep an eye open for the Direct Care Worker (DCW) Safety Implementation Form. The form is mailed out to the DCW to give us an honest assessment of the clients they service. Remember you are our eyes and ears; with your assistance we can continue to keep everyone safe.

Make sure that your employment file is within compliance to continue employment with Maximum Care.
Compliance is no longer waived with all the contracts. Example of things that must be up to date are: all car information, CNA license, annual TB, annual physical. If any concerns or questions re: your file please contact Yenica “Jen” Buskirk at 610-264-2353 or yenicamaximumcare@gmail.com.
