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February 2021 Safety Newsletter-Heart Conditions


Updated: Mar 10, 2021



February 2021

Topics include: Heart Conditions

Heart Conditions

February is national heart awareness month there are many diseases and disorders that affect the heart. I am going to address a few of them and how to spot warning signs. I will also discuss how to react if someone you know is having any ala

rming symptoms that possibly can be due to his/her heart.


Heart Attacks (myocardial infarction)

A heart attack is a medical emergency. A heart attack usually occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart. Without blood, tissue loses oxygen and dies.

Signs and Symptoms

1. Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching sensation in your chest or arms that may spread to your neck, jaw or back

2. Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdominal pain

3. Shortness of breath

4. Cold sweat

5. Fatigue

6. Lightheadedness or sudden dizziness

Risk Factors

1. Age- Men age 45 or older and women age 55 or older are more likely to have a heart attack.

2. Tobacco users are higher risk

3. High blood pressure.

4. High blood cholesterol or triglyceride levels

5. Obesity

6. Diabetic

7. Family history of heart attacks

8. Stress

9. An autoimmune condition



A stroke is a medical emergency, and prompt treatment is crucial. A stroke occurs when the blood supply to part of your brain is interrupted or reduced, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells begin to die in minutes. Early action can reduce brain damage and other complications. The good news is that many fewer Americans die of stroke now than in the past. Effective treatments can also help prevent disability from stroke.

Signs and Symptoms

1. Trouble speaking and understanding what others are saying.

2. Paralysis or numbness of the face, arm or leg.

3. Problems seeing in one or both eyes.

4. Headache.

5. Trouble walking.

Risk Factors

1. Weight

2. Activeness

3. Heavy or binge drinking

4. Use of illegal drugs

5. High blood pressure

6. Cigarette smoke

7. High cholesterol

8. Diabetes

9. Obstructive sleep apnea

10. Heart issues

11. Personal or family history of stroke, heart attack or transient ischemic attack

12. COVID-19 infection

13. Age-55 + has a higher risk

14. Race

15. Gender-Men have a higher risk of stroke than women.

16. Hormones

If you have any ideas for topics for upcoming safety newsletters contact Keri at the office 610-264-2353 or via email at

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