What is 988?
988 is a Suicide and Crisis Lifeline call center. The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7, confidential support to people in suicidal crises or mental health-related distress. You can either call or text 988.
It is important to know that you can, and should, call or text 988 even if you are not suicidal but are experiencing emotional distress and/or substance use.
Too many people are experiencing suicidal crises or mental health-related distress without the support and care they need, and sadly, the pandemic only made a bad situation worse when it comes to mental health and wellness in America. There are urgent realities driving the need for crisis service transformation across our country.
In 2020, the U.S. had one death by suicide every 11 minutes. Suicide is a leading cause of death for people aged 10-34. In 2021, for people aged 10-14 and 25-34 years, suicide was the second-leading death. Nearly 900,00 youth aged 12-17 and 1.7 million adults attempted suicide.
Yet, there is HOPE! The 988 Lifeline helps thousands of struggling people overcome suicidal crises or mental-health-related distress every day.
If you have the 10-digit crisis number, 1-800-273-8255, you can still use this number. Both the 1-800 number or 988 will get you the same services. 988 was an easier-to-remember way to access the crisis center.
When You Call the 988 number the first thing that you will hear is the greeting message while your call is routed to the local Lifeline network crisis center (based on your area code). A trained crisis counselor answers the phone, listens to the caller, understands how their problem is affecting them, provides support, and shares resources if needed. If the local crisis center is unable to take the call, the caller is automatically routed to a national backup crisis center. The Lifeline provides live crisis center phone services in English and Spanish and uses Language Line Solutions to provide translation services in over 250 additional languages for people who call 988.
When You Chat (unfortunately at this time is only English), it is available through Lifeline’s website at 988lifeline.org/chat. People seeking chat services are provided a pre-chat survey before connecting with a counselor, who identifies the main area of concern. If there is a wait to chat with a crisis counselor, a wait time message will appear. If demand is high, people can access Lifeline’s “helpful resources” while waiting. Once you are connected, a crisis counselor listens to you, works to understand how your problem is affecting you, provides support, and shares resources that may be helpful.
When You Text 988, it is responded to by a group of Lifeline crisis centers that answer both chats and texts. This service will expand over the next few years to increase local and state-level response. Once you are connected, a crisis counselor listens to you, works to understand how your problem is affecting you, provides support, and shares resources that may be helpful.
You may ask does calling/texting/chatting the 988 Lifeline really help?
YES, the Lifeline works. Studies have shown that most Lifeline callers are significantly more likely to feel less depressed, less suicidal, less overwhelmed, and more hopeful after speaking to a crisis counselor.
Almost 98% of people who call, chat, or text get the crisis support they need and do not require additional services at that moment. The 988 Lifeline crisis counselors are trained to help reduce the intensity of a situation for the person seeking help and connect them to additional local resources, as needed, to support their well-being.
988 vs 911
988 was established to improve access to crisis services in a way that meets our country’s growing suicide and mental health-related crisis care needs. 988 provides easier access to the Lifeline network and related crisis resources, which are distinct from the public safety purposes of 911 (where the focus is on dispatching Emergency Medical Services, fire, and police as needed).
A small percentage of Lifeline calls require activation of the 911 system when there is an imminent risk to someone’s life that cannot be reduced during the Lifeline call. In these cases, the crisis counselor shares information with 911 that is crucial to saving the caller’s life.
The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (988Lifeline on social media and on the web) is the new name for the former National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. It is important to understand that 988 connects people to more than just a “suicide” line; 988 is a service for anyone who is suicidal or experiencing a mental health- and /or substance use-related crisis. For partners talking about 988, it’s important that we don’t call this only a “suicide” lifeline. But instead, refer to it as the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
988 is available in all states and all 5 territories. As long as the caller has a telephone, cellular, or internet service available to them. 988/Lifeline is a free service for the most part. Standard data rates from telecommunication mobile carriers may apply to those who text to the Lifeline. If monetary assistance is needed for communication needs, please see www.fcc.gov/lifeline-consumers for more information.
988 currently serves TTY users either through their preferred relay service or by dialing 711 then 1-800-273-8255. Lifeline also offers services through chat and text. Lifeline is in the process of expanding to video phone service to better serve deaf or hard of hearing individuals seeking help through the Lifeline/988.
The 988 Lifeline began a pilot program to offer specialized call, text, and chat supports for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, and other sexual and gender minority (LGBTQI+) youth and young adults. The program aims to support people under the age of 25 who reach out to the 988 Lifeline and want the option of connecting with a counselor specifically focused on meeting the needs of LGBTQI+ youth and young adults. The specialized service is currently available by call, text, and chat service 24/7.
The Lifeline calls may be monitored or recorded for quality assurance purposes. Additionally, crisis centers in the Lifeline network may independently use call recordings for training purposes, dependent on the best practices of the center.
It’s also important to note that people contacting 988 are not required to provide any personal data to receive services. Lifelines recognizes the importance and the expectation of privacy when a person contacts 988. The network system has several safeguards to address concerns about privacy.

Help us come up with creative things to do with our elderly! What do you do for your clients?
We would like the caregivers to take 20 min of their shift, if possible, to do creative things with their clients. We are the first and maybe the last person our clients see in the day or even week. Loneliness is a big part of their lives. Let’s take some time to show them that we are not just personal care or home care but show them that they are not alone and we are here to make a difference and change lives!
Maximum Care Inc is under state regulations to follow strict guidelines to pay DCW and to bill for all visits.
Maximum Care Inc's responsibilities are to make sure that everyone is using EVV properly, pay all DCW properly, and bill for the properly authorized hours allotted to the participant. We also supervise all clock in & clock out within the range and scheduled time.
The system alerts Maximum Care if you clock in or out when you are not within GPS range. Example: you cannot clock in from the LV Mall when you are supposed to be in the client’s home. It will alert us and show us an address and map of your location when you clock in or out. If you are out of range this may cause a delay in payment. If for any reason you need to clock in or out of range due to participant, you must call the agency and make us aware. For example: If participants have therapy, Dr appointments, dropping them off or picking them up from a program, etc. Call Maximum Care for special instructions to ensure contractual permission.
It is your responsibility to inform the office, it is not Maximum Care Inc's responsibility to call and confirm the “Why’s”. Maximum Care can reject the visit until further investigation is done which will delay your payment.
Details of your visit are critical. Such as documenting that you went to Walmart for Participant and they provided you with a credit card or cash. How much and that you returned the change or card with a receipt?
Make sure you communicate with the Staffing Department of any changes that need to be made to your schedule, availability, address, email, phone number, etc. It is important to keep all parties informed and the lines of communication to remain open.
Emails for Staffing Department are as follows: Kevin@maximumcareinc.com Pauline@maximumcareinc.com
EVV system must be used to make sure that there is no interruptions, delays, or problem with direct deposit. In the future, your pay will not be able to be processed if you are not using the system.
If your schedule changes for any reason, it is your responsibility to call it in. This way we can fix any discrepancy in your schedule without any delays to your pay.
Manual timesheets should only be utilized if there is a reasonable cause such as when arriving at a participant's home, they need you right away due to an accident or emergency and you don’t have time to clock in on time. Call the agency to document why clocking was not done. Timesheets should never be the primary source of clocking in and out. Please keep manual timesheets to a minimum. Repeat offenders will receive additional training and possible disciplinary action. They must be signed by both employee and participant, and tasks checked off. If not signed by the participant it will be rejected.
Emails for Payroll are as follows: Jackie@maximumcareinc.com Karolina@maximumcareinc.com (also Fiscal)
If you know of someone that needs services or are in need of employment don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We will do our best to guide everyone in the right direction.
Emails for the HR Department: Maria@maximumcareinc.com Keri@maximumcareinc.com (also Safety Trainer)
Email for Our recruiter to start the employment process: Keri@maximumcareinc.com or Yenimay@maximumcareinc.com.
There is a referral bonus when you bring someone to work for the agency. If you bring your friend/family to work for Maximum Care you will receive $100 after they work 40 hrs.
Make sure that your employment file is within compliance to continue employment with Maximum Care. Compliance is no longer waived with all the contracts. Examples of things that must be up to date are all car information, CNA license, annual TB education acknowledgment, and annual physical. If any concerns or questions regarding your file please contact Yenica “Jen” Buskirk at 610-264-2353.
Compliance Department emails: Yenica@maximumcareinc.com, Yenimay@maximumcareinc.com (also HR Admirative Assistance)
Maximum Care has a new website to assist and help get new applicants or participants started www.maximumcareinc.com.
All Maximum Care employees will continue to use maximumcare.online website to review educational pieces, newsletters, and new policies and procedures.
All direct care workers are mandated to wear masks.
If you need supplies, please do not hesitate to contact the office.

Reminder to:
Continue to use social distance (6ft), from clients/participants, when possible, public.
Increase sanitation methods.
Monitor yourself and your client. Keep an eye on family members that come in contact with the client and yourself. It does affect the client, as it can affect you.
Clients that are in need of masks call the office and we will send them to them or you may pick up masks for clients.
